Today, organizations use SSL/TLS certificates to ensure communication security on network systems. As the organizational structure grows, the number of these certificates increases and management becomes more difficult. If it is a small organization, it will not be difficult to manage SSL certificates, but for large organizations, this issue unfortunately brings unwanted consequences.

Manually managing certificates;

  • Loss of time and effort
  • Unexpected service interruptions and security vulnerabilities
  • Loss of reputation
  • And it eventually leads to rising costs.
Time and Effort Loss in Manual SSL Certificate Management

Most organizations have to employ at least 1 staff member depending on the size of the company to manage these jobs, and since this staff member is often involved in other jobs at the same time, considering the crises that an overlooked expired certificate may cause within the company, it may cause that staff member to deal with this issue for a long time. In order not to cause this, trying to manually track these SSL certificates in certain tables, ensuring the renewal of certificates, signing them and reporting them if necessary brings a different burden. This means that the other work of the staff is interrupted while dealing with these tasks. Manual certificate management is a waste of both time and effort.

Unexpected Service Interruptions and Security Vulnerabilities

The ultimate penalty for certificate management failure. When systems stop working unexpectedly, the reason for this is understood and intervened, and the time that passes in between and the attacks exposed by security vulnerabilities during this time...

It is one of the highest cases of individual victimization in the world so far; Equifax 2017 krizi

Equifax could have discovered the 2017 attack that compromised the personal information of millions of people much earlier if not for an expired digital certificate. Equifax was unable to audit traffic flowing through its network for ten months after the certificate expired. This caused it to miss the high-profile breach for 76 days until the certificate was finally replaced and auditing resumed. It is estimated how many millions of people had their information stolen during this time.

The next stage is the work done to restore reputation and the pages and pages of measures taken. raporlanması….

Loss of Domain and Brand Reputation

Based on the previous example and considering the information of the people affected in the table above, how long will it take to regain the trust of approximately 143 million people? Probably, the company has suffered a technology accident from which it will never get a full return no matter what it does.

It may not be a disaster of this magnitude, it may have smaller effects, but let's think about the impact that can happen to every organization. When you enter a shopping site in your web browser or when you are researching a company, what is the level of trust issue you have when you see the following warning on a site you are researching or shopping on? If it is a place you discover for the first time, you will probably never visit that site again and it will lose you at that moment.

Increasing Costs in Manual SSL Certificate Management

  • The cost of conducting certifications manually, employing a staff member or delegating this work to 3rd party companies
  • Cost of certificate renewal that may be overlooked while manually executing certificates, cost of security vulnerabilities that may be accompanied by expired certificates, cost of penalties to be applied to organizations with audit/compliance obligations, cost of losing trust
  • Operational cost of manual execution of the entire certificate lifecycle

When we add up the costs mentioned above, it is obvious that insurmountable losses will be incurred.

How to Manage SSL Certificates More Efficiently

SecTrail CM SSL Sertifika Yönetim Yazılımıis a completely domestic software solution produced based on this need in the market.

In SecTrail CM Certificate Management Portal, you can discover the certificates supported by SSL/TLS protocols in your company, list them on the portal, request the discovery to be run by setting certain periods, view and report those whose certificate expiration date is approaching. It offers you the following lifecycle in which you can perform end-to-end digital certificate management.

SecTrial Dongu

Sectrail Certificate Lifecycle

Through a portal, you can view the entire process, run the rules you want, and avoid problems with your certificates thanks to the alarm alert mechanism.

As of September 2020, certificate validity periods have been reduced to 13 months. In order to eliminate the difficulties of certificate management that needs to be updated in short periods of time, SecTrail CM software solution provides secure certificate management with the privileges and conveniences it provides, and you will get rid of negative cost burdens.