Priority Principle

Information Security Policy

Rapidly adapting to the technological developments in the world, reflecting the same change to the businesses it serves, and producing solutions for its customers to be efficient, competitive and profitable companies are among the most important principles that a software company should have. Acting with this awareness, our company is taking firm steps towards becoming a leading company that shapes the future of the sector at national and international level and steadily maintains its rapid growth momentum. To ensure information security in this process, DVU implements the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.

As DVU Information Security Policy

  • Providing secure access to its and its stakeholders' information assets.
  • Protect the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information.
  • To assess and manage the risks that may occur on the information assets of itself and its stakeholders.
  • Protecting the credibility and brand image of the organization.
  • To apply the sanctions deemed necessary in case of information security breach.
  • To carry out trainings to develop competencies to increase information security awareness and to ensure the participation of employees.
  • To ensure the information security requirements arising from national, international or sectoral regulations to which it is subject, to fulfill the requirements of relevant legislation and standards, to meet its obligations arising from agreements, and corporate responsibilities towards internal and external stakeholders.
  • Reducing the impact of information security threats on business/service continuity and ensuring business continuity and sustainability.
  • Conducting drills at regular intervals within the scope of Business Continuity.
  • To maintain and improve the level of information security with the established control infrastructure